Here are more useful resources on cryptic crosswords:
Crossword Unclued (solving tips and commentary)
This blog provides both tips on solving cryptics (including an explanation of standard wordplay devices) and interesting commentary on
various crosswords from the UK and India, and even interviews with different cryptic authors around the world. The webmistress, Shuchi, has
truly put together an extensive resource on the intricacies of cryptic crossword solving and authoring.
Best Crosswords (crosswords)
This treasure trove features online crosswords by both the website team and guest constructors including myself. Puzzles include both
cryptic and straight/quick (definition-only) crosswords, as well as a competitive crossword section to match wits with other solvers.
Alberich Crosswords (crosswords and commentary)
Writing under the pseudonym Alberich, Neil Shepherd is one of the most accomplished cryptic-crossword authors in the UK. He offers advice to
both solvers and setters, and started me off on my authoring career by publishing my first ever cryptic crossword on his website.
Crossword Fiend’s Cryptic Crossword Forum (message board)
Members of this forum discuss cryptic crosswords and practice their clue-writing skills. You can find me there under my old pseudonym,
DIY COW Clue Writing Contests (message board)
Match wits with other aspiring cryptic authors on this forum hosted by UK stalwart Dean Mayer (Anax/Loroso). Just realize
realise that this is a UK-based website and write your clues with British flavor flavour.
And if all else fails, cheat employ “augmented mentality”