link words
Reversals Wordplay devices Homophones
Wordplay devices
Double definitions
Double definitions have the simplest structure of any clue type. Rather than a straight definition and wordplay
phrase, both parts of the clue contain a straight definition. Typically, the two definitions seem to have nothing in common at first glance.
For example:
Picked up flower (4)
The two definitions are “picked up” and “flower.” In this case, the answer is ROSE. Note
how different the two definitions are: the first defines “rose” as the past tense of the verb “rise” while the other uses
its unrelated sense as a noun. Here is another double definition:
Break will (5)
The answer here is LEAVE, which is a “break” as in “vacation,” or “will” as
in “bequeath.”
A double definition might even define two homographs (words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently). An oft-cited example is:
Buff Eastern European (6)
The answer is POLISH, which can mean either “buff” (when pronounced with a short “O”)
or an ethnicity of Eastern Europe (when pronounced with a long “O”).
Reversals Wordplay devices Homophones