link words
Containers Wordplay devices Double definitions
Wordplay devices
A cryptic clue may apply a reversal on one word to beget another word or letter sequence. Look for words that suggest
reversal, retreat or change of direction such as returned, around and
Pull protection over (4)
The solution is DRAW (“pull”), a reversal of WARD
Some reversal indicators are directional: they can only be used in across or down clues. Across-only indicators include
left, to the west and from the east; while
down-only ones include up, to the north and from
the south:
[A] Dull poet left (4)
[D] Rising star sings (4)
The answers are DRAB, which is the reverse of BARD; and
RATS (as in “betrays”), a reversal of STAR.
Containers Wordplay devices Double definitions